I grew up going to church with my parents (trust me, they dragged me most Sundays!) and one thing was for certain: the church I grew up believed I was to be in church, citing verses like Hebrews 10:25. In fact, even a cold or mild flu sometimes didn’t get me out of it! But oh how the world has changed, and I’ll be the first to admit I relished in the idea of sitting in jammies watching church on Sunday morning–it was really a blast. No shower, make-up, hair–nada. And I’m STILL tempted to just blow off the whole “messy people” thing, too, and stay home.
I worship at home on my own, I pray on my own, I served the Lord outside of the church and in my every encounter. But Hebrews 10:25 stopped me in my tracks when I realized that we go to church for OTHER people because someone there needs you there! How can you be a blessing while you’re at home sipping coffee and eating crumpets? Yes, of course we are that first to our families. And that’s not the only reason we go to church…the heartbeat of the writer of Hebrews urged the believers to “persevere in the faith, and to achieve the goal he stressed of “not giving up meeting together.” Why? Because when you are not there, something VITAL IS MISSING!! We need the mutual encouragement to “spur each other on to good deeds.”
Then–by no mistake or happenstance, when I opened up bible.com on my computer, I read this (Galations 6:2) “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” I realize I’m not doing that–or my flesh doesn’t want to really do that…right? But I considered,”How can I carry their burdens if I’m not in fellowship with other believers? It’s messy. I’ll be the first to admit it! But its essential in the body of Christ! So don’t just think about what you are or are not missing, instead think, “What are others missing because I’m not there?” You have gifts, we are told, specifically, in scripture, that are given to us, individually, for the building up of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4). Oh, that hit me right in the ribcage! How disobedient I’ve been with my gifts–sometimes not even acknowledging them or even allowing God to use them. I’m here to confess, I’ve been selfish, and struggled with this post-Covid. I realized, I was also in danger of drifting from my faith. The New Bible Commentary says that the word “confidence” is translated and found in four important texts in Hebrews (3:6, 4:16, 10:19, 10:35), and by the blood of Christ, “As a result, the believers were encouraged to embrace the confidence that they were truly part of God’s ‘house,’ and to enter God’s presence with confidence in prayer (4:15-16), to enter God’s presence in worship (10:19) and to maintain that confidence in living out their lives.” When I find myself now wanting to “worship in the woods,” (yes, its my favorite place to meet with God) I remember I’m not alone in this world and that other Christians have made me ‘better” for their relationships with me. And mine with them. I can’t miss out on that!
I miss being at church when I’m south for the winter. So thankful for the services being live it’s just not the same feeling as actually being there.I’ll be back in the Sring.
Well said Donna❤️
Excellent Donna! I so miss actually having a church family♥️
Thanks for sharing this Donna… As I read this in my PJs! Thank goodness for a second service!
Very well said. This is one of the issues I have had with the COVID crisis and how many churches have responded. The online services are a blessing, and in some cases, they have allowed the church to grow and for those that may not have been comfortable “going into the church” to be touched and led to Christ. There are in fact a couple of services from large churches that are far from me that I enjoy watching and that I find to be inspirational. But watching a service online, even with an inspirational message, is not the same as going to church and being in church. Christianity is not a spectator sport- it requires participation to transform lives. While the technology of online services is a blessing to those that cannot go to church (those physically homebound to health for example) that is a poor substitute for those that can and we should not strive for more of less.
This is what we are. Gods gifts to others! It is our gift to share. Love you and love being Gods gift for prayer and even hugs when needed!!!
“What are others missing because I’m not there?” BRUH. (As my kids would say 😆) That is quite the question!