“Every week at the mental health clinic I lead, I hear people say things like this: “I know lots of people but I don’t feel truly connected to anyone. I wish I felt close to someone…to be honest, I feel lonely most of the time.”–Gregory Jantz Among the MANY crises facing our society, one is […]

The Power of Connection: The cure for loneliness and isolation

Has the world gone CRAZY??
It feels like the entire world has gone completely crazy The world seems to be getting crazier every day. It is amazing the number of things happening now that most of us thought were permanently in the past or would have been dumbfounded 15 years ago to think we would ever see at all. Russia […]

I don’t want to go back to church!!!!
I grew up going to church with my parents (trust me, they dragged me most Sundays!) and one thing was for certain: the church I grew up believed I was to be in church, citing verses like Hebrews 10:25. In fact, even a cold or mild flu sometimes didn’t get me out of it! But […]

COMPARISON: The Thief of Joy
Yes, I said it. And you’ve felt it. That awful game of comparison we play with our inner self when we are on social media (especially) or anywhere else. As humans, we can’t help but compare ourselves to others. I mean, come on…everyone posts their most polished moments of their lives, whether it be their […]

Covid and Christmas
Is it weird that I’m thinking of Christmas already? Its only weeks away, yet this year seems all different. Weird. Covid has changed so much. It absolutely obliterated some people’s lives. But we can all probably agree, in some way, each of our lives may never be the same. Some of these things are devastating, […]

I got the POWER!!!
…and the inspiration! Yes, this writer has been on hiatus for a while, dealing with the film project on New Wings while finishing up the sequel to it so that our screenwriter/s have plenty of content whether they want to turn it into a series or a feature film (both are on the table). But […]

Donna Stanley’s new Non-Fiction Title Released!
NEW!! Just released memoir of Donna Stanley, founder of Endless Mt. Labradors. Learn what its like to be a breeder and discover her ‘insider secrets” to keeping your Lab (or any dog!) healthy, happy, and at optimal health throughout its life. Learn handy training tips and enjoy amusing stories she has collected over the past […]

“New Wings” optioned as a movie by Abba Productions
Producer, Christy Lee Taylor of Abba Productions has optioned the movie rights to “New Wings.” Actor, Director and Screenwriter, Jeremy London, (of 7th Heaven, Party of Five) wrote the original screenplay adaption of the novel, entitled “The Beautiful Unseen.”

Come visit me at PenCon Conference in Colorado Springs, CO, May 19-21st
For more info or to register visit: www.theChristianpen.com/pencon/ I’ll be on faculty speaking on “Editing YA fiction” I’ll also be available for individual appointments on Social Media marketing as an author, and sales, and promotion for authors and editors. To contact me, email me at labbylover777@icloud.comfinal schedule PENCON 22516
The Climate Change Cult vs. New Heaven & New Earth
Its my Blog and I’ll write if I want to: My Bible says someday there will be a ‘New Heaven and new EARTH!’ Sometimes you have so many thoughts about what you hear in the media that you either stop listening to anyone—or you listen to everything and are constantly confused. We are a country that […]